99. my blog. really who cares. not even me or i would do it more often.
98. i have stolen a street sign, several in fact.
97. i cut out and save coupons i never use.
96. i tuck in my sheets.
95. i sleep in pj's
94. i hate to smile for photos.
93. my biggest pet peeve is people that talk tome while i watch tv.
92. i have ocd, anxiety disorder and manic depression.
91. i have peed in the outdoors.
90. i have been married and divorced 3 times.
89. i hate typing with capitol letters.
88. i want to be cremated when i die and my ashes placed in a chock ful o nuts can.
87. my fav movie is the housesitter with goldie hawn and emilie a french film.
86. i liked to walk around in my house looking into a mirror.
85. i had to take a safe driving course in texas to keep from getting a speeding ticket.
84. i eat supper at 2 am
83. my last Halloween costume as a kid was a hippie
82. i never hold a grudge
81. i used to watch soap operas
80. i am afraid of heights
79. i have fired a gun twice, once a 22 rifle with my father as a teen and once a 357 mag with a boyfriend
78. i don't ride horses, i get dizzy
77. i go barefoot
76. first concert was conway twitty in 1986
75. i met charlie daniels in 1999 and he signed my shirt and my fiddle
74. i still own a stereo, records, cassettes and 8 track tapes
73. i can't swim
72. i am one of the most laid back people ever
71. i have had plastic surgery , twice
70. i crochet and knit
69. i have a huge crush on johnny depp, dwight yokum, tom cruise, and hugh laurie.
68. i put lotion on my feet every day
67. i never turn off my computer
66. i no longer watch tv, it has been 3 yrs since i cut off my service
65. i hate leaving the house.
64. my hair is naturally curly
63. my fav thing to eat is chips, fries, baked potatoes, gnocchi, perogie and potato cakes
62. i have a problem with too much shopping
61. i have declared bankruptcy in the past
60. i have built 4 houses buy hand and have nowhere to live
59. i love to cook
58. i graduated from high school and college with honors
57. i love to help others
56. i love to garden
55. i love to watch old shows and movies on youtube and dvd and bluray
54. i wear glasses, i am nearsighted and suffer from extreme blurr that is not correctable
53. i once worked as an undercover agent for tbi
52. i detest discussing politics and "religion"
51. my fav color is green
50. i love the smell of bread baking and coffee brewing
49. i love spending time with my kids
48. i love to clean house
47. i love taking walks
46. my fav soda is dr enuf
45. i visit with fred at his grave often, i feel like i have lost a son
44. i want to care of my mom at home but people won't let me
43. i have been off fb for lent, mostly, and it is very hard not to have contact with my family and friends
42. my fav season is autum
41. i know a lot of people but i have few friends
40. i have never used illegal drugs of any kind
39. i wish i had never started blogs, it makes writing feel like a chore
38. i want a tat on my right forefinger of 3 rectangles like johnny depp
37. i will not pay full price for anything
36. i love creating new recipes
35. i dislike this blog idea but i've gotten this far
34. i love making lists
33. i love pinterest..........http://www.pinterest.com/schizoozy1/
32. i love fb................https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100003172550270
31. i love youtube...https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCW9YeYq-meZIIuhlF5xh2DA
30. i still havent figured out twitter......https://twitter.com/schizoozy1
29. i totally love british murder mystery...midsomer murders, agatha christy, inspector morse, johnathan creek, sherlock holmes and inspector lewis
28. i love british comedy....all of it
27. i love hugh laurie and his music, jazz
26. my fav song is percy's theme from the film "a summer place"
25. i took business courses in college...hated it
24. i love bw photography
23. i loved playing with barbie dolls till i was a sophomore in hs
22. i've lived in ga, sc, nc, tn, tx, del
21. i have stayed overnight in ok, va, maryland, pa and ark
20. i have traveled thru miss, ala, fl, ky, louisiana
19. making this list is more difficult than i thought
18. using the melted snow from the first snow of march to treat a burn really works
17. i google words to spell-check them
16. i photograph my food when i cook....thanks pinterest, fb and just a pinch recipes
15. i post my recipes at just a pinch recipes...............http://www.justapinch.com/me/Barbara_Miller
14. arthritis in my back has gotten the better of me today
13. i believe it's unlucky
12. i was born a witch
11. i would love to write a book
10. jack of all trades and a master of none
9. insomnia is my companion
8. i want to travel by every train in the world.
7. i like my gray hair
6. i love my laptop
5. i love my nook
4. i love my french coffee press
3. i have a teeny tiny kitchen
2. my home is less than 800 sq ft
1. my yard is full of wild turkeys most mornings
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